Intuitive Guidance
Nancy is a messenger of Spirit and a channel of higher consciousness. During her intuitive guidance sessions either in person or by phone, she helps you align with your higher self, connects you with your spiritual guidance and provides you with sacred messages and healing on many levels. Nancy works with angel/oracle cards to help you to discover your hidden potential, influences, while providing clarity. You can set an intention, ask a specific question or receive an overall reading for your highest good. Nancy embodies compassion and unconditional love assisting you in spiritual awakening on your life’s journey.
30 Minutes: $50.00
60 Minutes: $90.00
Potential Benefits
of Intuitive Guidance

Helps you align more fully with your higher self
Improves clarity and direction
Encourages centering and grounding
Assists in clearing and transmuting energy
Can be inspirational
Shares divine messages
Raises your vibrational frequency
Promotes inner peace